Wednesday, September 13, 2006

On my own...

Yeah, that's right. So I moved in to my Cheney apartment yesterday and got everything unpacked. Let me just say that I officially HATE packing and unpacking. It's so time consuming and boring! But everything is out of boxes (except for my fragile stuff, which I need to put the shelf up before I can unpack it) and ready to go. I did come up with a list of stuff I forgot, and I also have 3 boxes of stuff to take back home. =D Less (stuff) = more (space)!! =D I do have to admit that it's kinda weird to be on my own. I have to cook all my own meals, do my own shopping and laundry...and everything! It's crazy! But I'm handling it quite well, I think. My roommate and I are taking turns fixing dinner and doing dishes and stuff, so it's going well.

Band camp started today, and I just had an absolute blast. We didn't do any marching today; we just got a lot of music (both pep band and our show) and did a lot of reading on it. I'm so excited. There are some really cool songs. And the show is going to be great! It's a latin jazz show, and I'm just absolutely loving it. Our second show was supposed to be based on the music of Queen, but the director told us today that he couldn't find a GOOD Queen show, and he didn't want to make us play a show that wasn't good, so we're doing a show based on a rock musical...I think the name is Tommy or something. *shrug* I was really looking forward to playing Queen, but I guess it's not meant to be. I honestly have no idea what the new show is about, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

Well, I am getting cold (I'm sitting outside in Eastern's campus to connect to their wireless network because we don't have the internet at my apartment) so I think I'm going to wrap up my post. =D I'll update again when I have some new news!


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