Saturday, May 30, 2009


Today is a anniversary of a birthday girl, who would be 20 today! This picture is a little out of season, but is great because she is w/Santa Dad! For the 11 years she was with us we are grateful for she taught us a lot about endurance and none of us can claim the right to "life isn't fair." She had a capacity for patience and joy (as "Santa" could make her giggle with joy!) We miss her, but rejoice that she is doing the things now that her physical limitations kept her from like talking, walking,dancing, singing and just rolling over. We love her and are grateful that her parents taught her so well. 'Til we have a reunion--Happy Birthday. Love, Grandma K


George and Teri said...

Hi Vanae, it's me Teri Cunningham, remember me? I have enjoyed reading your blog and keeping up with your family. We have a blog too, it is
You can check out our family, We miss you all very much. I would move back there in a new york second! Tell everyone hi for us.

Mikaela said...

What a great post! The month of May always seems like Cassie month for me. I think of her very often with Memorial Day and her birthday! We miss and love you Cass!