Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy birthday!

I've also been thinking of our special angel on her 19th BD. I think we all have the same sweet wonderful feelings for her. When I think of patience, I think of her. How much uncomfort she must have endured. When you need to scratch your nose, shoo the fly away, or ask for a drink and millions of other things--I think of Cassie, with those beautiful eyes that spoke tons and you knew that she could communicate! We truly love her and hope she will wait for the rest of us-- that can scratch our noses,and show us the way! Because she did that while she was here for her short stay. Love and kisses Cassie and to your family, those Sisters who did not know her-- you need to never forget that when life hands us the tough things--that we still can look to Cassie. Eternity will give you the things that life denied! We will always learn from you! Love, Grandma K

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